Archivi tag: Sioin Queenie Liao

day sharing: Wengenn In Wonderland by Sioin Queenie Liao

Sioin Queenie Liao è un’artista freelance che vive in California, ma è prima di tutto una mamma. Una mamma creativa che ha trasformato, giorno dopo i giorno, i sonnellini del piccolo Wengenn in un vero e proprio viaggio magico.


A castle in the sky
A dancing circus act
A friendly scarecrow
A priceless gem
A romantic dinner
Baby alien
Harvesting love
Journey to Lilliput
Little Picasso
Magic carousel in the sky
Magic sail ride
My bunny friend
Preparing a hearty breakfast
Reaching the stars
Silly hats party
Soaring high in the sky
Stork delivering Wengenn
The arabian night
The brave little prince saves Rapunzel
The fearless acrobat
The mighty king of spades
The nutcracker soldier
The precious matryoshka
The pyramid adventure
The redeemer and his birdie
The valiant cowboy
The wide owl storyteller
Topping Wall Street
Wengenn’s symphony no.1

Sioin Queenie Liao is a freelance artist who lives in California, but she is first and foremost a mom. A creative mother who, day after day, transformed the naps of the small Wengenn in a magical journey.


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